Elbumahly replied

295 weeks ago


Download Full Movie Dragon Attack In Hindi > /.agro/ZG93bmxvYWR8NjNzTWpFM2ZId3hOVE0zTWpNeU1qQTNmSHd5TVRBMGZId29SVTVIU1U1RktTQkhkV2xzWkhkdmNtc2dXMUJ2YzNSZElIdDk.preowned/ZG93bmxvYWQgZnVsbCBtb3ZpZSBEcmFnb24gQXR0YWNrIGluIGhpbmRpaG5kbXMZG9.bedsheets]DOWNLOAD

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Similar to "The Dirty Dozen" or one of that nature. Japan is trying to take over the world and the generals of the allied forces trying to stop the Japanese have been taken prisoner. A force of loners and fighters is put together to try and rescue the generals and save the war effort with the promise of gold and/or pardons of past crimes.
Set at some point during the thirties or forties, Japan is at war with China. During an attack on the Chinese forces, the Japanese capture four Western Generals. Fearing that if this news were to reach their troops it would affect their morale greatly, the Chinese hire Captain Don Wen to form a commando squad and get the Generals back in four days. Don decides to regroup his old squad (consisting of thief Old Sun, escape artist Grease Lightning, con artist Billy and his ex-girlfriend Lily, the bumbling and apparently unnamed General and his buddy Stone) one last time to get the Generals back. Don is apparently killed in an attack but the group continues on regardless, with the aid of ex-wrestler Sammy and his former manager Emily who trail the group to make sure they stay alive, so they'll have a share of the reward. Towards the end, the previously comical film takes a bizarre turn and climaxes at a Japanese bunker where the group go kamikaze and fight off a small army in the hope that the last survivor will be able to claim the reward. But are the Japanese the only villains?
Mmmmmmmm…………bit of a weird film.<br/><br/>I don&#39;t think the language barrier counts in my lack of understanding of this film, to be honest. I think if they replaced the actors with Peter Ustinov and Lawrence Olivier, I would still be a confused little beastie about the movie I had just seen.<br/><br/>Plot - There is NO PLOT in this film. A bunch of guys come together to fight another bunch of guys, and to make the characters as varied as they are is quite a ridiculous notion. They are all so different, that it&#39;s like watching a strange dream played out in front of you - you know the kind where a person changes into someone else, and you don&#39;t notice until you wake up.<br/><br/>The script is rubbish. Like I&#39;ve said, there is no plot.<br/><br/>Lots of things blow up and lots of people die, but there isn&#39;t much kung-fu in this film, unfortunately. The parts that you see Jackie Chan fighting in are decent, but don&#39;t last long enough for a fan of Chan.<br/><br/>The soundtrack sounds like the director took his favourite TV shows and used their soundtracks for his movie. I could have sworn I heard the Benny Hill chase music at some point.<br/><br/>Never watch this film if you are normal. If you are insane, or on drugs, this film must be enjoyable. But you shouldn&#39;t take drugs, and you definitely shouldn&#39;t watch this film.
This movie is quite simply….awful. There is almost nothing redeeming in it whatsoever. While some people claim it falls in the &quot;so bad, it&#39;s good&quot; category, I disagree. For that to happen, I believe a movie must contain a certain amount of &quot;cheesiness&quot;. Parts where you laugh out loud because it was so obviously bad that you know the director has striven for that type of bad shot. However, when a movie is total cheese from beginning to end, it&#39;s not &quot;so bad, it&#39;s good&quot;, it then becomes &quot;so bad….period.&quot;. Maybe, just maybe, it is a good drunken movie experience, but for me, it wasn&#39;t even a good action vehicle for Jackie Chan. As a spoof, it might have been funny, but my cultural reference is so different I missed any humor aspects of it. This movie was chaos exemplified, and had no redeeming qualities. Don&#39;t bother asking about characters, plots, settings, direction, or cinematography. Even the action scenes are dull and relatively boring. Except for the fact that I might be missing the point of this film completely due to cultural differences, I believe I can safely say this is the worst movie I&#39;ve ever seen.

The Japan-DVD features an extended cut of the movie. In several parts there are longer action sequences. These are not worth mentioning and will be interesting to collectors only, to whom this might be a good buy.
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